How to Solve Maths Problems with Opera Mini
Just type the following codes to Opera Mini address bar. Replace "A" and "B" by any number you want.
javascript:alert (a+b)
javascript:alert (a-b)
javascript:alert (a*b)
javascript:alert (a/b)
~Modules ie the remainder of the integer division of a by b
javascript:alert (a%b)
javascript:alert (6%4)=2
javascript:alert (Math.sin(a))
javascript:alert (Math.cos(a))
javascript:alert (Math.tan(a))
You can replace a by a number or by Maths.PI
javascript:alert (Math.cos(Math.PI))=-1
*Square root of a
javascript:alert (Math.sqrt(a))
javascript:alert (Math.min(a,b,c,d))
javascript:alert (Math.max(a,b,c,d))
*x power y
javascript:alert (Math.pow(x,y))
N0TE: a,b,c,d,x,y are numbers that could be replaced...this as simple just follow the step and you will all get your simple maths question slove!!!

Teya Salat